Felix Anaut — The Simonow Collection

Felix Anaut

A Note From The Collector

It was during the summer of 2006 that we first met Felix at an exhibition of his work in a converted medieval church in the South West of France. My taste in art up until that point is strongly reflected by my collection, which consists of figurative, traditional works dating from the 16th century to the end of the 20th century. I mention this because it had never occurred to me to purchase an abstract work of art till that day in the church. I am not a critic and find it difficult into put in words why exactly I am drawn to his creations which I find simply beautiful.   Suffice it to say they give Astrid and me enormous pleasure and we never tire of looking at them. After all, that pleasure should be the only genuine reason for buying art. In spite of his troubled life, which I have described in my book: Felix Anaut. His life and work,  Felix’s work is infused with harmony, serenity, optimism and above all, energy. I can truthfully describe it as infectious.  I hope you agree.

Michael Simonow